Now based on what you have heard in this video, what might occur if a production team, with connections in high places, suspects or worries that they could lose much of their (shady) investors' money due to over budgeting in one area and not another, mismanagement other funds, underestimate expenses, and other unexpected surprises during film-making? How far do you think a movie producer would go to ensure that everyone is happy financially?
Take a moment and consider the many actors who have died either before, during and after big budget filming. Not every death was merely an accident or coincidence, there were sinister things that had been going on behind the scenes with some of these highly publicized deaths. In the end, the public will support the project more-so because someone or group has died. Money will steadily come in for years since the movie's creation; therefore, everyone gets paid and the movie producer and affiliates' reputations remain intact at least for a time until they make a mess of financing again. Then bye, bye--no more big budget movies for a long time or ever depending on who a movie producer made angry.