No matter how true the population reduction strategies might be, when a young musician who has yet to connect himself with an audience that researches news issues quite deeply, opens his mouth, he or she sounds ignorant. Those in the know will cry, "Stick to your day job...don't talk about that, you don't know what you are talking about!" As if it isn't already challenging enough to awaken a blind public to reality, along comes someone who will make a flippant remark and so the disinformation agents run wild with it! Some so-called reputable media sources have already tried to label news that matters to us as "conspiracy theories" while promoting entertainers heavily as if they are all-too important.
Population control is a real issue. The reduction methods that special interest groups, companies, and individuals use to control the populace is alarming, scary, and downright evil. Now the connection between celebrities and the strategists working behind the scenes is when they need these performers to enter a country, promote an agenda, share a message through song lyrics, movies, and more, they call their puppets. But when puppets start talking without strings, well what tends to happen is more drama to quiet them. Notice how most celebrities keep mum on societal issues until called upon. The influence that a celebrity has on society is quite powerful. Chris Brown is no Michael Jackson, although some tried to make him be, but he does have a following that is listening no matter how ignorant he comes across. In a way, it is good that he does talk the way he does, because he can reach the masses in a way that others can't. So while the disinformation agents use distractions to keep a discerning public from asking questions as a result of what Chris Brown and other celebrities have said over the years, we watch and we wait.